Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tanjung Benoa Bali

Who would have thought, Tanjung Benoa area once known as the slums, has now been transformed into the most complete nautical tourism on the island of Bali. Yes, on the beach adjacent to the Nusa Dua area, now has become the center of a wide range of water sports, from jetski, parasailing, scuba diving, snorkeling, to flying fish. Various tourism facilities named Benoa Marine Recreation has also been equipped with five-star hotel and an international restaurant.


Tanjung Benoa is a coastal region located in South East tip of the island of Bali. Its location is quite gentle with calm waves make this area very suitable for water sports. In this place, tourists can try a variety of water sports challenges, like jetski, parasailing, banana boat, snorkeling, scuba diving, glass bottom, to visit the Turtle Island. Various water games are usually started at 8 am to 12 pm. Each game will be guided by experienced instructors that will provide safety and convenience for travelers.
Source from http://balipropertytour.com
The first interesting exercise to try is to drive a jetski, the water driven motor vehicles like motorcycles. In driving the jetski, tourists will be accompanied by an instructor to avoid accidents. Instructors will typically drive a jetski from the beach to the sea, tourists can then take control of the jetski to start racing action on the high seas. To menghindarai crash or other fatal error, istruktur remain will accompany travelers by way of piggybacking on the back. This jetski rental prices range from IDR 150.000 to IDR 200.000 / person for 15 minutes.

Jetski addition, there are also banana boats can be boarded by 4 people plus 1 instructor companion. Banana boat is a single rubber boat shaped like a banana being towed by a speedboat to get around the beach for 15 minutes. If you want more fun, tourists can ask the instructor to direct the banana boat against the current wave, so you can feel the sensation of crashing surf with friends or family. Charges to be paid for this game is IDR 75.000 to IDR 110.000 / person for one game.

There are also games that use the umbrella parachute pulled by a speed boat called parasailing. If you want to try this game, the rent is about IDR 90.000 to IDR 135.000 / person for an all round (about 4 minutes in the air) around the beach area of ​​Tanjung Benoa. In this game, the tourists who have used the parasailing equipment will be pulled by a speedboat at high speed so that it will soar to a height of 50 meters above sea level.

If you want to try snorkeling, namely swimming, looking at the underwater scenery, tourists can rent equipment and services istruktur a cost of between IDR 175.000 to IDR 400.000 / person for 1 hour. For snorkeling sport, travelers are required to have the ability to swim. In addition to snorkeling, you can also see a wealth of underwater with scuba diving. Scuba diving or dive with full equipment is one way to enjoy the beauty of the sea at Tanjung Benoa is more secure. Having given a brief overview of engineering materials diving, visitors are welcome to wear a wet suit and oxygen tanks, then accompanied by the instructor to dive at a depth of 5 to 7 meters below sea level. For those who have experienced are allowed to dive up to tens of meters. At the bottom of the ocean, you can see the wealth of coral reefs and colorful ornamental fish. Do not forget to bring a piece of bread to feed the fish funny. For a single dive, ie for 1 hour, travelers will be charged a fee of between IDR 250.000 to IDR 450.000.

Another way to enjoy the underwater beauty of Tanjung Benoa is by boarding the ship that has been modified to use a clear glass bottom. Usually the glass bottom boat up is a package tour into Turtle Island. On the way to Turtle Island, tourists can see the diversity of animals under the sea through the clear glass like looking at a giant aquarium. Travelers also can provide a piece of bread as food to play around with these colorful fish.

Satisfied enjoy underwater scenery, travelers will be invited into Turtle Island. On the island of natural beauty, tourists can see the turtle hatchery, the eggs, eggs that have hatched, small turtles, the turtles until fully grown and ready to be a new parent. Turtles is not just one type, but there are several types. Some of them also have over 35 years with a large enough size. At Turtle Island there are also other animals such as birds, bats, snakes, monkeys, and other relatively benign so that it can be touched or photographed by visitors. In this island has been equipped with a gallery shop that sells a variety of turtle replicas of wood or rocks.

A visit to Turtle Island takes about 1 hour with varying prices depending on the number of passengers. If the rating number between 1 and 5 people charged between IDR 450.000 to IDR 550.000. If the number between 6 to 10 people, the cost between IDR 700.000 to IDR 1.000.000. If you want cheaper, travelers are advised immediately hire a fishing boat at a cost of IDR 50.000 / person to go to Turtle Island.

The game is relatively new in Tanjung Benoa is a flying fish, the boats equipped with such a wing on either side by a speedboat pulled up in the air. Flying fish can be played by three people, two people were in the right and left, as well as an instructor in the middle as a guide and a counterweight. Having pulled by a speedboat at high speeds and downwind, the boats will be hovering above a height of 2 to 10 meters, like a kite. For those of you who like a challenging game, flying fish worth checking out. Old game is about 15 minutes and costs up to IDR 170.000 - IDR 275.000.


Benoa Marine Recreation is located in the village of Tanjung Benoa, District Tanjung Benoa, Badung regency, Bali Province, Indonesia.


Tanjung Benoa is located at the East end of the island. Tourist areas can be reached by traveling + 20 minutes from Ngurah Rai Airport, Denpasar, Bali by taxi or rental car. Of other attractions, Tanjung Benoa be taken approximately 35 minutes from Kuta Beach and 10 minutes from Sanur beach. For the purposes of transportation to tourist resorts in Bali, travelers can take advantage of tour buses, travel agencies, taxis, and rental cars and motorcycles, because public transport has not been widely available.

Ticket Prices

Entering the Tanjung Benoa Bali, travelers are car ticket, IDR 5.000 for one car.

Accommodation and Other Facilities

In Tanjung Benoa are small kiosks selling snacks and drinks packaging. At Turtle Island too, travelers need not worry if in need of food or drink, because the island is common food and beverage vendors. In Tanjung Benoa also available the seats that can be used by tourists to relax. After playing on the beach, travelers can take advantage of the many dressing rooms are on the beach. Tanjung Benoa has been fitted with a range of accommodation and facilities of international standard, such as one star to five-star restaurants serving local food that Balinese international food. In this area also has available a variety of souvenir stalls, mini-market, as well as facilities for the Spa.

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