Monday, September 17, 2012

Subak Sanggulan Museum

Subak is a system of management of irrigation flow distribution typical Balinese. This system has been known since hundreds of years ago and proved to increase the productivity of agriculture in Bali. Through the Subak system, farmers obtain a water allocation in accordance with the provisions established by the deliberation of citizens. Philosophically, the existence of Subak is a manifestation of the concept of Tri Hita Karana, the harmonious relationship between man and God, man and nature, as well as the relationships among humans. Therefore, the activities of the association Subak not only dealt with the agricultural sector but also includes issues of ritual and worship to invoke the abundant fortune.
Potential local knowledge possessed by the people of Bali is then 'cured' of the Museum Subak. Subak Museum was inaugurated by the Governor of Bali on October 13, 1981. This museum is a special museum for exhibiting one theme, namely farming system in Bali.

Subak Sanggulan Museum can be visited on a Monday-Saturday from 8:00 to 16:30, and Friday at 08:00 to 13:00. As for Sundays and public holidays closed.


Subak Museum is the only museum that explores the all the happenings of agriculture in Bali. Subak Museum showcases miniature complete with pictures of the manufacturing process, such as the stage of finding the fountain, creating a tunnel of water and build dams, as well as making the connecting channel to drain water into the paddy fields. Subak Museum also has the audio-visual that explains about the process of rice cultivation, ranging from members of Subak deliberation, water management agreements, as well as rituals invoke the abundant harvest.
In addition, the museum also showcased traditional farming tools Bali, such as cutting tools and grinding rice, tools for plowing, irrigation tools to fix, as well as traditional miniatures kitchen complete with layout and furnishings for cooking rice. Subak Museum visitors can also gain knowledge about agriculture by visiting the facilities in the complex pepustakaan museum. Collection of books in the library is complete, ranging from a variety of cross-disciplinary study of the Subak system to agricultural issues in general.


Jalan Gatot Subroto, Sanggulan village, district of Kediri, Tabanan regency, Bali province, Indonesia.


Tabanan is about 20 km from the city of Denpasar, capital of Bali province. From Denpasar city, travelers can use public transportation (bus) to the city bus terminal Tabanan. From the terminal, visitors can ride public transport (minibus) as far as 2 km to reach the site museum.

Ticket Prices

Import duties for visitors fall into two categories, namely:
• Adults : IDR 5.000
• Children : IDR 3.000

Accommodation and Other Facilities

Still in the confirmation

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