Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bajra Sandhi Monument Bali

 There are various ways to commemorate and perpetuate the struggle of a nation, one with erect monuments. In Bali, the Balinese people struggle from time to time recorded properly in the Bajra Sandhi Monument. This monument depicts the life of the Balinese people since prehistoric times until the time of maintaining independence, between the years 1950-1975. The forms of struggle are illustrated in the 33 units diorama.

Bajra Sandhi Monument was built in 1987, but was inaugurated on June 14, 2003 by President Megawati Sukarno Putri. The main objective is the construction of this monument to perpetuate the spirit of struggle and creation of Balinese culture as well as efforts to pass it on to the younger generation. Name Bajra Sandhi monument taken from the shape that resembles a bell which is used by the pedanda (prince of religion in Bali) when he led the prayer. As the bell used to mark the time to pray, the name was chosen to remind residents of Bali on the meaning of the struggle of his predecessors.


Visiting this monument travelers will get a fairly complete picture of the history of the people of Bali from ancient to modern times. The picture is presented with a circle of 33 dioramas follow the contour of the room. Each section contains figurines diorama complete with natural environmental setting. To clarify the information, there is a label on the outside in three languages: Bahasa Bali in Old Javanese, Indonesian, and English.

In the earlier parts, diorama displays of early humans at the time of hunting and gathering. In this section, it appears Pithecanthropus Erectus was hunting pigs using a hand-held ax. The next section describes the development of the kingdom of the Balinese people, the colonial period, a period of physical revolution, until the post-independence period. At the end, a diorama showing the development process that lasted Udayana University in 1975.

After enjoying the glimpses of history, visitors can climb the ladder to reach the top of the bell-shaped monument. From the top of the monument, visitors can see the beauty of the city of Denpasar from a height of about 45 meters. If the time is right, so visitors can enjoy the sunset of the place.


Regions Renon, Denpasar, Bali Province.


Bajra Sandhi Monument government complex located in Bali, exactly in front of the provincial governor's office in the area Renon, Denpasar, Bali. To reach this monument, tourists can use private vehicles and taxi. For these two types of vehicles, visitors are not too difficult as access to the monument is not too difficult.

However, if travelers take advantage of public transport (minibus), it should be noted that the road to the monument is a one-way street, so only one regular public transport pass, which majors bemo-Uma Sanur. If travelers depart from Sanur, then tourists will certainly go down in front of the monument complex. However, when departing from Jalan Teuku Umar, the tourists must get off at Jalan Cok Agung Tresna then walk to the monument as far as 300 meters +.

Ticket Prices

To enter the monument, visitors subject to import duties of IDR 3.000 for the adults and IDR 2.000 for children (2008).

Accommodation and Other Facilities

If the benighted traveler because it's too cool to enjoy Bajra Sandhi Monument complex, tourists can rent hotels ranging from budget class to four-star hotel is on the corners of the city of Denpasar. Not only that, a variety of cafes, pubs, clubs, and other entertainment venues can be an alternative to spending the night in the city of Denpasar.

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