Friday, August 31, 2012

Le Mayeur Museum Bali

Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur de Merpres is a descendant of royalty from Belgium. He was born in Brussels, February 9, 1880, and inherited the art from his parents' blood. Last education is the building engineer at the University Libre, Brussels. Because forbidden developing talent painting, Le Mayeur desperate to leave his family and travel the world.

Le Mayeur arrived in Bali in 1932 through the port city of Singaraja. Shortly thereafter, he went to Denpasar and Sanur Beach began to settle. Initially Le Mayuer planning to travel for eight months, but see the natural beauty and the beauty of Balinese dancers, Le Mayeur conceived to build a house and painting studio on the edge of Sanur Beach. A Legong dancer named Ni Nyoman Pollok who modeled his painting Le Mayeur appealing to propose. They were later married.

The story of the lives of the two artists is actually quite touching. Through marriage with Le Mayeur, Ni Pollok actually want to have children. But the desire was rejected by her husband. The reason, Ni Pollok was painting the model. The beauty of body Ni Pollok feared damaged if pregnancy and childbirth. Couple these artists are not blessed with offspring until the end of his life.

The house and painting studio built by Le Mayeur later dedicated as a museum. Through a will, written in 1957, it was agreed that if the pair Le Mayeur-Ni Pollok had died, the house in Sanur beach will be submitted to the government as a museum.


Le Mayeur is known as a painter who raised the beauty of natural scenery, cultural expressions, as well as the beauty of Balinese women into the canvas. In the museum, visitors can enjoy the works of paintings and objects of historic relics such as Le Mayeur chairs, carved tables, beds, cabinets, ceramic flower vase, silver utensils, jars, books, and sculpture.

Le Mayeur's paintings to 88 pieces, generally characterized impressionist, and was made between 1921 to 1957. Uniquely, these works are some of them use media other than canvas painting, for example hardboard, plywood, paper, and Bagor or burlap. The media painted burlap, for example, is used by Le Mayeur the Japanese colonial period because of difficulties getting shipments canvas from Belgium.


Le Mayeur Museum is located in the tourist area of ​​Sanur beach, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.


From downtown Denpasar, the trip to the Museum Le Mayeur can be reached by private vehicle or public transportation (minibus). Public transport (minibus) to the Sanur beach area can be accessed via the terminal Kreneng, Denpasar, and will take visitors up to the end of the Hang Tuah. From here, visitors have to go through the path to the location of the museum with a distance of  ± 70 m.

Le Mayeur Museum is open between the hours of 8:00 am to 15:00 pm (Saturday-Thursday), while on Friday between the hours of 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. The museum is closed on national holidays.

Ticket Prices

Ticket prices are distinguished based on several categories. For individual tickets (between 1-9 visitors), adult visitors are charged 2.000 IDR / person and children who are 1.000 IDR / child. For group tickets (minimum 10 people), the adults just pay 1.000 IDR / person and children who are at 500 IDR / child (March 2008).

Accommodation and Other Facilities

After enjoying a dish of artwork in the Museum Le Mayeur, tourists can sample traditional Balinese cuisine at the stalls are located along Sanur Beach. If need lodging, a wide range of accommodation ranging from budget class hotels to five-star hotels are common in this region. To complete the visit, of course, is not complete if you do not buy the various Balinese souvenirs are sold at souvenir stalls around Sanur Beach. Besides its beauty, the price is also quite affordable.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

West Bali National Park

History of West Bali National Park starts from the date of March 24, 1911, when a German biologist, Dr. Baron Stressman, landed around the Singaraja because Maluku II expedition ship he was traveling was damaged. Baron Stressman living in the area for three months. Through research unintentional, Baron Stressman find rare species of endemic birds, the "Jalak Bali" or Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) Bubunan village, about 50 km from Singaraja.

Subsequent research conducted by Dr. Baron Viktor von Plesen, which concluded that the spread of Bali Starling only covers up to Gilimanuk Bubunan village, which is an area of ​​320 km2 +. Therefore bali starling population when it was relatively rare, so in 1928 a 5 tail bali starling was brought to England and successfully bred in 1931. Later in 1962, Sandiego Zoo in the United States is also rumored to have been breeding these birds.
Besides bali starlings, other rare animals that live in the park are tiger bali. To protect these rare animals, the Kings Council issued Decree No. Bali. E/I/4/5/47 dated August 13, 1947 which set the forest with an area of ​​19365.6 ha Banyuwedang as Taman Alam Protector whose status is equal to the wildlife sanctuary.

After Indonesia's independence, by the Minister of Agriculture. 169/Kpts/Um/3/1978 dated March 10, 1978, consisting of the Wildlife West Bali, Menjangan Island, Bird Island, Island Kalong and Gadung Island designated as Nature Reserves covering a total area of ​​West Bali 19558.8 ha. In 1984, the West Bali Nature Reserve is designated as the West Bali National Park with an area of ​​19558.8 ha. However, since most of the park is (3979.91 ha) is the Limited Production Forest (HPT) under the authority of the Forest Service, then by the Minister of Forestry. 493/Kpts-II/1995 dated 15 September 1995, just a vast national park 19002.89 ha, consisting of 15587.89 ha and 3415 ha land area waters.


West Bali National Park has a unique ecosystem types, ie a combination of terrestrial ecosystems and marine ecosystems. In this area, tourists can explore the land ecosystems (forests), from the forest, lowland rain forest, savanna, forest to the beach. While in aquatic ecosystems (marine), tourists can see the green mangrove forests, coastal beauty, ecosystem coral, seagrass, and shallow and deep waters.

Entering the forest, they can find about 175 species of plants, 14 species of which relatively rare, among others bayur (Pterospermum diversifolium), ketangi (Lagerstroemia speciosa), burahol (steleochocarpus burahol), sandalwood (Santalum album), rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia ), and others. In addition, tourists can also see directly different types of animals that live freely in the park, such as the Bali starlings (Leucopsar rothschildi) which is endemic and rare animals, birds, white ibis black head (threskiornis melanocephalus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak), pangolin (sweet javanicus), porcupine (hystric brachyura), and deer (Tragulus javanicus). While this type of fauna famous national park waters are shark (Carcharodon carcharias), fish flag (plateak pinnatus), as well as giant clams (Tridacna gigas). Other underwater riches are the different types of coral reefs are highly variable. Data collection conducted in 1998 showed that there are 110 coral species in 18 families, including 22 species of which species of coral fungi (mushroom coral).

Besides enjoying the land and water ecosystems, tourists can explore the small islands that are part of the West Bali National Park, including Menjangan Island, Gadung Island, Bird Island, and Island Kalong. Menjangan Island is one of the favorite island frequented by tourists. Island with an area of ​​about 6,000 ha is the habitat deer or elk (Cervus timorensi). Not only that, tourists can also dive in the waters around the island of Menjangan to see clusters of beautiful coral reef with various fish species.

Besides enjoying the natural beauty and wildlife, travelers can also make pilgrimage to the tomb of Mbah Temon, namely petilasan found by community elders named Mat Yamin in 1954. Named Mbah Temon because petilasan this newly discovered (meeting or met) after Mat Yamin perform meditation though. Other Petilasan are legendary is the tomb of I Wayan Jayaprana. Jayaprana is a handsome young man in the chronicles of Bali is said to have been killed by his prime minister Sawunggaling, messenger Kalianget king, because the king wanted a beautiful girl Jayaprana wife, Ni Nyoman Layonsari.


West Bali National Park region lies in two districts, namely District Melaya, Jembrana District, and District Gerokgak, Buleleng district, Bali, Indonesia.


West Bali National Park is easily reached from both Denpasar and from the Port of Gilimanuk. This is because the location of the park is traversed by the highway Gilimanuk-State and Gilimanuk-Singaraja road. To get to the location, tourists can use private cars or using public transportation (bus, taxi, or car charter).

For ease of travel, the tourists can reach the West Bali National Park with two alternatives. First, when start the journey from Port Gilimanuk, they can visit the Office of the Central West Bali National Park, located in the village of Gilimanuk, District Melaya, Jembrana district. This office is about 200 km from the city of Denpasar. The second alternative, when travelers depart from Denpasar or specifically wanted to visit the island of Menjangan, so it's good to start from the Gulf of Labuan Lalang. From Labuhan / Pier Lalang tourists can easily lead Menjangan Island or other small islands.

Ticket Prices

Ticket price to enjoy the Bali Barat National Park is 2.500 IDR / person for domestic tourists, and 20.000 IDR for foreign tourists.

Accommodation and Other Facilities

West Bali National Park has a wide range of accommodation and facilities, such as a tour guide (guide), guard hut, cottage (for a tourist break), the tower view, the path to facilitate the exploration, scuba gear rental, boat speed, etc. Travelers who want to dive with dive operator hire charge about $55 (June 2008). This price includes lunch, rent a boat, diving equipment, and transportation costs.

Especially for crossing facilities to Menjangan Island, tourists can rent boats with outboard engines. The rental fee of 250.000 IDR / four hours. If you want to add time to explore, for example, by exploring the waters around the island, then an additional charge of 20.000 IDR / hour (June 2008). If travelers need lodging, around Labuan Lalang and Port Gilimanuk there are many good hotels budget hotels, resorts, and hotels.