Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mount Agung Bali

 Mount Agung is the highest mountain on the island of Bali. The volcano initially has a height of about 3142 meters above sea level, but after the eruption in 1963 is expected to drop to 2.920-3.014 meters altitude above sea level. Currently, the highest peak of Mount Agung is located in the southwest, just above the Besakih Temple.

For the people of Bali, Mount Agung is a sacred mountain that is a sign of greatness of the Almighty. The incident happened quite a stir when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, killing about 1.000 people and damaged more than 100.000 homes. However, strangely natural disaster makes no significant damage to the Besakih Temple located approximately just 1 km from the crater of Mount Agung.

Incident, approximately 40 days before the eruption of Mount Agung occurs, the Indonesian government has launched the event Ekadasa Rudra (centennial celebration every Pura Besakih) on March 8, 1963 as an event of international tourist visits. Although since the end of February 1963 Mount Agung began to show a fairly dangerous activity, such as spewing smoke, dust, and issued a roar, but the Indonesian government was reluctant to postpone the date of the ritual. But in the end, the event was also suspended until 1979 because of safety concerns for tourists. Surprisingly enough, the massive eruption of Mount Agung new really happened on March 17, 1963 (other versions say March 18) after the tourists left the site plan the celebration Ekadasa Rudra.


Gunung Agung including climbing tourism in Indonesia. As a still active volcano, Mount Agung presents panoramic smoke and bursts of sand and gravel from the gaping hole crater with a diameter of 500 meters. If the weather is clear, from the top of the mountain, tourists can enjoy views of the surrounding towns. Natural beauty is what attracts tourists to climb the peak of Mount Agung.

In order to walk safely climbing activity, there are some restrictions that should be avoided by mountain climbers. Abstinence is the first climb during the religious ceremony in Besakih or Pasar Agung Temple. Other taboos, for tourists women should not climb when you're coming month. Because, according to local belief, if two restrictions are violated will invite disaster.


Mount Agung is located in District Rendang, Karangasem regency, Bali, Indonesia.


To go via Mount Agung Besakih, travelers can start the journey from the city of Denpasar with a distance of about 25 km to the north. Alternatively, tourists can travel from city Semarapura (Klungkung) to Besakih using public transport (minibus) and costs around 5.000 IDR (April 2008).
For climbing activities, tourists can take two paths, the route from the route of the Pura Besakih and Pura Pasar Agung. The route from Pura Besakih arguably quite popular, because it is through this route will climber to summit Mount Agung. Of Besakih Temple, tourists can travel up to a campsite with a travel time of about 4 hours on foot. Furthermore, the final climb through a fairly flat ridge to reach the top / edge of the crater with a travel time + 2 hours. Meanwhile, the climb from Pasar Agung to the summit takes between 3-4 hours. It's just that the route through route Pasar Agung is much more rugged than the Besakih route.

Activities recommended climbing done in the dry season, between the months of July to September, due to the rainy season would be more dangerous ascent route, the road more slippery, and the temperature at the top of the mountain can drop drastically. Therefore, the climbers should also equip such thick clothing to keep the body temperature, a flashlight for illumination, and food and drinks taste as the total time up and down the mountain to reach 15-20 hours.

Ticket Prices

Still in the confirmation

Accommodation and Other Facilities

To facilitate the ascent, travelers can hire the services of a guide (guide) and costs around 150.000 IDR to 300.000 IDR for one tour (April 2008). In addition, if travelers need climbing equipment, visitors can rent in the vicinity of the climb. If you want to rent a lodge for a break or just wait for time to start climbing, tourists can stay at the Besakih Temple or Pasar Agung Temple or rent rentals around the temple. To meet the needs of travelers tummy do not worry, around Pasar Agung and Besakih Temple there are stalls that sell Balinese food.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sanur Beach Bali

 Sanur Beach is one of the beaches in Bali are interesting to visit. The beauty of natural scenery made famous Sanur beach even since antiquity. In the history of ancient Bali, Sanur Beach has been known as a beautiful beach, it appears in the inscription of King Kasari Warmadewa, a king Singhadwala berkeraton in the year 917 AD Now, the inscription is found in Blanjong area, the southern part of Sanur Beach.

In the Dutch colonial period, Sanur Beach is famous as the landing site when the Dutch army will invade the kingdom of Badung is considered defying the colonial government. The war that took place on 18 November 1906 that became known as Puputan Badung, the spirit of war to the death practiced by the King of Badung and his followers.

In terms of tourism, Sanur Beach began to be introduced to the international world by A. J. Le Mayeur, an artist from Belgium who came to Bali in 1932. See attraction Sanur beach is very beautiful, the Le Mayeur decided to settle in Sanur by establishing a painting studio. Le Mayeur Bali later married a girl named Ni Nyoman Pollok, a famous Legong dancer and is one of the models of his paintings. Through paintings Le Mayeur, Sanur Beach began to be known internationally. Currently, the studio painting has become the Museum Le Mayeur and can be visited by the public. Le Mayeur Museum is located in the tourist area of ​​Sanur Beach.


In contrast to the present beauty of Kuta Beach sunset, Sanur beach is famous for its panoramic beauty of the sun rising. The topography of the curve with a white sand beach that stretches to form a beautiful cluster. In the morning, enjoying the moments of dazzling sun rising, tourists can see Nusa Penida island chain in the southeast as well as the panoramic south coast of Bali.

The view in the evening is equally interesting. Receding sea water clarifying eye on the island cluster of attacks and rolling rocks jutting into the sea in the south of Sanur Beach. Not only that, if the waves are not so big, tourists can witness the beauty of the coral reef that stretches colorful.


Sanur Beach is located in the village of Sanur, Denpasar District, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.


Sanur Beach is about 6 km from the center of Denpasar and can be reached by private vehicle such as a car or motorcycle. If you want to use public vehicles (minibus), travelers need not worry because very crowded public transport back and forth between Sanur-Denpasar.

Ticket Prices

Still in the confirmation

Accommodation and Other Facilities

Sanur area is the first tourism development in Bali, characterized by the presence of star-rated hotels and various restaurants. Therefore, travelers need not worry if needed lodging or food stalls around the beach. In addition, the tourist area of ​​Sanur beach also provides souvenir stalls selling various arts and souvenirs typical of the coast.